For freaking real, Amber and Anthony are so darn adorable! I had booked Amber and Anthony’s Utah Wedding for this fall early in the year but I never met them in person….and that kills me…because guys we are a match made in heaven. Their personalities and styles match perfectly with mine…you would have thought we had known each other for years.
We chose a lovely location in Utah for their Engagements…..complete with a lake….awesome greenery…and oodles of bugs. But we didn’t let the bugs deter us. Instead we laughed through it. We had such a lovely time..honestly we did. Amber and Anthony have a seriously amazing connection with each other and they are hilarious to boot. They had me laughing and we found ourselves taking lots of moments to chit chat during our session.
One question I love to ask is how he proposed and for reals guys their story is freaking amazing. Anthony decided to take Amber on a little trip to New York City. They travel often and all over the world so a little jaunt to NYC was no big deal. So they went to see a Broadway show (which now I can’t remember which one they told me they saw) and he talked the stage manager into letting him propose on the stage! So after the show the stage manager was like “Hey Anthony, how are you man?!” Amber was all sorts of confused….she was like “how do you know this guy” and he let them in the side door up on to the stage. Amber was really into drama in high school so she was so excited to be on the very stage they just saw the most amazing performance. She was looking out towards the empty theater with her arms stretched big to her sides when he called her name. She turned around and there he was on his knee proposing to her. The cast applauded and they had a sweet moment on the stage together. When he told me the story his eyes sparkled and her smile was gigantic you could tell how in love there are. As I stood there listening I got goosebumps and was mesmerized by their love.
I can’t wait to photograph their beautiful Nature Wedding in the fall in Ogden, Utah. It’s going to be spectacular. So happy they chose me as their wedding photographer.