In August I had the awesome experience to travel back to Paris, France to teach my second international workshop! It was amazing! I believe that women need to come together to learn and have fun together. I share my joys with one another and we celebrate all the many awesome milestones that comes when one of our attendees reach another business and professional goal! To put it lightly…we have a blast! My Paris workshop is always filled with awesome ladies, awesome locations, beautiful models, tons of learning…and really good food…(I mean we are in Paris!)
When I was looking for models for my workshop I found this gorgeous girl Ophelie’. After talking with her I booked her for my workshop. A few weeks prior to my workshop she told me she had a serious boyfriend…and he models too…so it wasn’t too hard to get him on board to model for as well.
They were so adorable with their little French accents and sweetness!
I want to thank Gateway Bridal and Prom in Salt Lake City, Utah for sending us with this beautiful navy blue gown. It was a dream!