When I first started photography I was not very good. But I had the creative mind and the desire…and I had raw talent…I just didn’t have the knowledge. But I knew I wasn’t good, and I sought out to change that. I knew I had to learn everything I possibly could. So I dove in…DEEP. Every day I would learn something new, commit it to memory and then practice and practice and practice…until I had that skill down pretty solid. But there is something more to that. I knew that I needed to help others. So when I learned something new, I knew that I needed to share it. I would blog about it, create a video, a step by step tutorial and I found I was getting rather good, rather fast.
So I continued on…I started mentoring photographers and teaching workshops. Building up others who wanted to create a profession out of photography. If I could raise the standard we all would be better.
These images are from a mentoring session I did with a photographer located in Utah.
If you’re interested in booking a mentoring session with me, email me at wishphotographyutah@gmail.com